DAY THIRTY-FIVE: Family Comes to Visit!

Hello Friends,

On Monday (10/9) Chieko and her family, Yoshio and Tamiko, and Shea came to our apartment to visit. It was fantastic! We made a bunch of yummy food like deviled eggs, ham sandwiches, and pasta salad. Yoshio and Tamiko brought over some rice balls with ham and seaweed. While Chieko brought a Japanese desert.

Bayus made a sausage man!

Some things we did were looking at pictures of when Chieko visited the Engle family in the USA (2001), and playing card games with Sola.

Here is a picture of Watalu, Sola’s little brother (he’s the same age as our cousin, Rayah, back at home).


At one point Sola wanted to go to the park, so Bayus and I went with him. We used the swing and made up some other creative games. Bayus eventually went back but I stayed with Sola and we kept on doing fun things in the park. We couldn’t talk to each other but we were able to interact a lot with body language and funny sounds. Eventually I figured out some of the things he was saying. I remember that he said “matte matte matte!” this means wait or stop. I had a lot of fun playing with him and I feel like we had a good time together. When Sola and I got back to the apartment we played a matching card game. He got 20 pairs and I got…seven, he is really good! It was an amazing time with our Japanese family!!!

Here is a old picture of my Japanese relatives that was given to my mom the day before. The American guy is my grandfather (Chuck). My grandmother is there too, she is in the front on the far left.  Her name is Chie.




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