DAY FIFTY-THREE: Final Goodbyes

The majority of today was spent packing. We bought an extra suitcase from the second hand store, and we had to use a cardboard box for the miscellaneous extras that refused to suck it up and fit. (Yes, this picture was taken when we got back home, and yes, we did use medical tape to tape it closed)


The main activity for today, however, was our goodbye dinner with Uncle Yoshio and Aunt Tamiko. Uncle Yoshio had reserved a place at Denny’s in Isehara. Denny’s? Yes, Denny’s here in Japan is very different from Denny’s in the United States.



We walked in, and violin music was playing. We ordered family style. It was fun watching Yoshio and Tamiko discuss the order. They are very cute together 🙂 I love them both. Our meal came out on steaming hot plates, beautifully prepared and displayed.


Bayus was excited to get this HUGE chocolate sundae for dessert.



I got a smaller (but still delicious) strawberry sundae,


Elias ordered gourmet pancakes,


and Dad ordered the Japanese dessert.


Goodbyes were sad. Saying goodbye to my family in California is sad, but I know that every year, I will see them again. Saying goodbye to family in Japan, that I may or may not see again, is awful. If I do see them again, it will be years from now. I may be bringing my own children. We walked toward the train slowly, not wanting to rush away from our last (no! not last!) moment with Uncle Yoshio and Aunt Tamiko. We have built up a great and lasting relationship with them, and we will definitely keep up correspondence. We miss you already, Uncle Yoshio and Aunt Tamiko!



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