DAY TWENTY ONE: Red Vs. White, Get Bamboo, and Giant Underwear

On Sunday we went to church again but this time with Uncle Shea. It was nice to go to chuch again. After church we went to the store to get snacks to share on a picnic. When we were in the store I found little cakes on pedestals. We also found some good looking and smelling cheesy breads. It was our first time going to that store because it is a good ways away from our apartment but it is near the church.

After that we went to a sports day with Nazomi. It was at a school for 6th grade and younger.

There were two teams red and white (We were rooting for white because Reari, Nozomi’s young neighbor, was on the white team). We got there right after half time but it felt like it just started because both teams did a REALLY COOL cheer leading thing where they taunted each other.


*if you have trouble viewing the above TWO videos, try this link

    Next they did a game where everyone joined in. There were four lines and four small balls you passed the ball to the person behind you till it reached the end of the line then the last people, chosen students of the school, took the ball and raced to the basket where they needed to get it before the other team.

Then they did it again but with a giant ball that everybody pushed down the middle of two lines of people.

*if you have trouble viewing the above video, try this link


They did it one last time but the ball had to travel above our heads. It was so much fun to play the games.






After that we watched the two teams compete in all kinds of games one game was called ‘Get Bamboo’ where each team had a line of people and tried to get the most bamboo out of 11 pieces.


*if you have trouble viewing the above video, try this link

 Then they did a game called Giant Underwear, it was like a three legged race but there were giant pants that two kids got in and raced.










*if you have trouble viewing the above video, try this link

There were a few more games that I don’t remember. In the end red won but we still had lots of fun.



4 thoughts on “DAY TWENTY ONE: Red Vs. White, Get Bamboo, and Giant Underwear

  1. Again, the “cakes on pedestals” are for Buddhist alters and for the dead. Hahaha :p
    They are basically made of suagr and starch – not tasty at all ><

  2. Looks like fun to watch kids from across the ocean at play. Did they recognize you all as visitors from overseas? Any curiosity there?

  3. Bayus … I like the cheer from the red hat team the best! And the bamboo game reminded me a little of a good old fashioned tug of rope! Too funny the giant underwear … hahaha!!

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