Images from the Martin family going away service and BBQ are online for your viewing pleasure. I do not have email addresses for all the people featured in these images so please please feel free to share this link with people you see in the images if you have their contact info. I have enabled FREE downloading of full size images so that you can have the digital files for your family use. Just hover your mouse over any image and a ‘file’ icon will appear, click the icon and you can save the full image file. I have also enabled the shopping cart function for anyone that wants to get professional prints done and have them directly shipped to their home. Please know that ALL proceeds from sales of images will go directly to the Martin Family– so while I enabled the free downloads and you don’t have to buy anything, you can and thereby bless an awesome family! Don’t miss the final image as it is a movie file that I’m sure you’ll enjoy!
Also- If I did not take your picture but you were there that weekend I am truly sorry, I made every effort to include everyone without being completely obtrusive in peoples activities and conversations. If I did take your picture and you don’t care for it, I also sincerely apologize. The variation of expression available to us as people is immense and it is hard as a photographer to know what any one person considers to be their favorite, or not so favorite, looks. Know that I think we have a beautiful PSCC family and that includes YOU!