Bayus is FOUR!

On Tuesday our little Bayus turned 4 years old 🙂    To celebrate we had several special little friends over for a train themed party.  This year Bayus was extremely involved in the planning of his party, so much so it was all I could do keep up with him and his ideas!  A special thank you to my dear friends who took pictures of the party for me (I got called away to a birth just over an hour before the party, but it was super rapid  and I made it back in time for the cake and presents) and also one dear friend that took my cake decorating weaknesses under her wing and made a point of coming over late the night before to help me put together a somewhat recognizable train cake- thank you ladies!

I’d also like to thank Sonya of Sublime Threads for her awesome work on designing and making Bayus’ birthday shirt for us.  If you ever want a truly special outfit with quality workMOMship then check out Sonya here

Another great link I need to make sure you have is for MrMcGroovy and his amazing cardboard building plans and kits!

Please watch the short video I made (get a cup of tea while you wait for it to download) that includes images of all the little details we put together for the party and some of the unexpected entertainment like magnifying glasses and the chickens 🙂

Bayus’ birthday video

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