Hannah enjoyed a night out with Daddy yesterday. She prepped all week, marking every calendar and counting down the days. She prepped all day including a long bubble bath, having mommy paint her nails, and borrowing mommy’s necklace. The boys were excited for her outing and Bayus went with mommy to get the wrist corsage (and he thoroughly enjoyed presenting it to her). Once all was ready mommy snapped some pictures and they were off!
Hannah’s favorite parts of the evening? Dancing to the chicken dance was at the top she said. It was a really special night put on by a local community center and brought to our attention by our friend Val. Val’s husband and daughter went to the event as well, which was a real treat for both of the girls to be there together.
so cute!! I’m so glad our little girls have their daddy’s to take them to these events and treat them like princesses! there’s just something about that excitement building in preparation of getting all prettied up! She looked beautiful and so happy! (and Eddy looked good, too!)
They look SO sweet! Cyan was very glad Hannah and Eddie were there with them. She said she had a great time with Hannah!
Love Val
I can’t wait for our girls to go to a daddy daughter dance. How special!