Pokémon Go
We are Team Instinct (yellow) and are battling for a gym at the park near us. We can beat it but they always get it back. We walk a lot so we hatch lots of eggs. We are hoping to catch a legendary Pokémon that will only be here for a little while.
Awesome website we have free access to through our library with free books, movies, and audiobooks. Currently I’m listening to the 39 Clues series.
Hulu is a lot like Netflix but I like it better because I think it has better movies and TV shows. We are enjoying lots of family movie nights. We are mostly watching all the episodes of Amazing Race with Japan.
Facebook Video Call
I like Facebook Video Call because I can chat with my friends Nate and Matthew. I enjoy talking and playing cards on the calls.
I enjoy walking to the store because I get food and get to help choose it and we will most likely get ice cream.
Card Games
We haven’t done many card games but when we do we enjoy it. We like playing Mao, Spit, and Speed.
Are the Pokemon Go characters you can get in Japan way different from the ones you see around home in the States?
We got some new ones but I think there the same one’s from in the States.